Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In Prayer

Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;
Colossians 4:2

O God Almighty, who has mercifully shielded us during another day, we desire, before we retire to rest, to commit ourselves, soul and body—to You in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.  Glory be to our God for all the blessings of the light; and now that the curtain of evening is again drawn around us—keep us beneath the shadow of Your wings. 

It is You, Lord, alone—who makes us to dwell in safety.  We acknowledge You as our daily Benefactor and Guardian.  Yours is the air we breathe, the food we eat, the raiment with which we are clothed.  But far above all Your other gifts, we bless You for Jesus, the Son of Your love. He is our only Savior.  We would exult anew, in the assurance, that His blood cleanses from all sin; and that He is able to save to the uttermost.  We rejoice to think that He is at this moment pleading in behalf of His people—the wonderful Counselor, the Prince who has power with God, and must at all times prevail. 

May we be clothed with His spirit, as well as with His righteousness.  Make us like Him, patient and meek, thankful and forgiving.  Take away all pride, vainglory, and hypocrisy—all absorbing love of the world.  Set our affections on things above; and enable us to pass through temporal things, so that finally we lose not the things that are eternal.  May we seek to be zealous in the performance of our relative duties.  Let us feel that whatever talents You have given us, are trusts to be laid out for Your glory, and to promote the well-being of those around us.   Whatever our hand finds to do, may we do it with our might. Visit Your church—the vineyard which Your own right hand has planted.

May grace, and mercy, and peace be upon the Israel of God.  Bless our own household;  may every heart within it be given unto You.  Let none of us leave for a dying hour, what may be best done, and it may be, only done—now.  May all our friends at a distance enjoy the friendship of an ever-present God. Guard them, guide them, provide for them.  May we walk together the same Zionward path; and at last have an abundant entrance ministered into that better land, where You shall rest in Your love, and rejoice over Your people with singing.  Hear us, for the sake of Your dear Son, our only Lord and Savior.

~John MacDuff, from "Family Prayers"

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